Illustration Services

If you have a project which needs illustrations please contact Sheena at [email protected] to discuss details. Below is a selection from the projects I did in 2023. You can see more of my work at my LinkedIn page.

Klee Paper 2024 Wallplanner. The brief was to design a wallplanner based on the flora and fauna of Irish bogs. This wallplanner was used by the National Parks & Wildlife Service with their logo added. You can buy the planner from Klee Paper.

Bright Start Profile school book. This is a school book produced by Eireamhóin for junior infants pupils. The aim of the illustrations was to encourage an interest and appreciation of Irish wildlife. It can be ordered for schools by emailing Bright Start Profile (without spaces) at gmail dot com.


Camida Christmas Card. This was a design for the Clonmel company Camida. The brief was to create a cosy Christmas illustration based on photos of Camida's conference room.